For lunch we had chichen kebabs, chinese chichen thighs and BBQ brumsticks. I had about half of the chicken you see here, my baby leaf salad, and some carrots with reduced fat hummus.

Once I got home, I got two of my homemade chocolate chip cookies with a glass of milk. Does anyone know how long you can keep cooking in the fridge? Mine contain no milk, but I have made them a few days ago... Anyone??

For a while now, I have been seeing two books around in the blog world - Veganomicon and Eat, Live & Be Vegan. I bought them a few days ago and I have been slowly reading through them. Even though, I am not a Vegan, I'm not even Vegetarian (even thought I toyed with the idea for a few years when I was 17), I wanted to expand my recipe database with some non-meat recipes. I have to say that so far ''Eat, Drive & Be a Vegan'' hasnt been that great. I mean it's good and all but it hasnt really struck a cord. However.... ''Veganomicon'' oh my god wow! I picked up so many great tips about grilling veggies and making different types of hummus!

Watch this space for some interpretations of these recipes (soon) to come!
I leave you with a view from my balcony last night. Yes it was raining (this IS london) and I managed to catch a rainbow with my camera!

Cute huh?
Cu at dinner x
If you place your cookies in a metal container in your fridge, you can keep them for as long as one month or more!!!