I got home at 8:20pm tonight! Booo working late sucks huh?!
My day has gone pretty much like this:
Alarm goes off at
6.15. I snooze.
Goes again at 6.20. I snooze, but feeling awake now.
Goes again at 6.25, I'm thinking: Fine, I'll get up!
By the time that emergency 6.30am alarm went off, I was up.
I hit the lights switch to get some light in my room and actually be able to see around (curtains were closed, and of course it was rainy and cloudy outside)....
no light comes on!!! After I played around with various plugs, switches and my main switch board, I succum and call EDF's fault's line. Oh yes! There is a fuse blown in the powerstation, pretty much everyone in my area has
no power, they are aware of the fault and they are 'working on it'.... Great start huh?!
I have some breakfast (wholewheast bun roll with peanut butter + strawberry jam) and a glass of semi-skimmed milk and rely on day light to put on clothes and apply makeup - pray I dont look like a
Work is relatively standard, people running around, the customer changing their minds every oh 5 minutes, people asking me the silliest of
questions - my favourites being:
- Where can I sit today? (It's an open-plan office and seats are first-come, first-served) - Jeez, I dont know, why dont you try the empty seat?!
- Are we having the 1pm meeting? - Yes it's been going on for 3 months and we have it every-single-damn-day!!!
- Do you want that in writing? - No, I want you to sing it from the rooftops!!!
Ah the joys of working in
Anyway, lunch was a delicious
bacon and barley soup with their fantastic thyme bread. Usually I digest soup in about 1-2hrs but this held me full for about 3.5hrs! I was chuffed! I love how they have seeds next to the soups and you can add them to your cup!

Can you tell food makes me
happy? Hehe
After working away for 3-3.5hrs, going to meetings, coming back, typing emails, talking to people, chatting with some colleagues, it was time for my 2nd lunch of the day. My gorgeous
wrap with some cherry tomatoes! Oh it was good, I'm telling ya!

And of course around 5pm - just as I thought that hey, I may go home on time and pack some more, the *beep* hit the fan and I had to
stay at work till 7.15!!! Boy, was I pissed off! I dont mind staying back when there is actual work to be done, but I cannot stand staying behind just to babysit 4 adults who cannot tie their shoe laces unless they get spe-ci-fic information and step-by-step instructions!
Came home at 8.20 (told you, it's a hour's worth of
commute!! but not for long hehe!) and quickly showered, and prepared myself a tasty, light dinner of
pasta salad, cucumber, avocado and pink salmon with a yogurt dressing... Yum yum!

Now it's only 10.30pm but I am feeling so beat, I think I will just dry my hair quickly - no straighten tonight booo! - pick my clothes for tomorrow and crash! This day has overstayed its welcome - and it's only
Apologies for the rant - hope you found it more funny that annoying! It's pretty much who I am though, I love a good rant!
Speak later
PS. The nice EDF people did indeed fix the power issue and at least I didnt have to shower by candlelight!
PS2. I am still sore! Love you and hate you
Pilates DVD!